Online Appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is the user guide/manual of the system Click here.

Here are the two posible reason why you can't submit an appointment:

1) Internet Connection - Ensure you have stable internet connection when using the system.
2) Restriction - There are several restriction integrated in the system to ensure effective and well organize scheduling. Some of this restrictions are:
  • You cannot submit another appointment on a specific service if theres still upcoming appointment from that service.
  • The system does not allow you to schedule appointment within a day
  • You cannot schedule and submit appointment with other service if you have also appointment on a specific service with the same date & time.

When neither of the two reasons is applicable. Contact/submit your concern on the link below.

The newly implemented online appointment system of Batanes General Hospital start first with the Opthalmology service/section. Other service and specialty will soon expected to become available.

Got other questions or concern? Click here

For direct concern on the system, you may contact us at:
09173083744 / 09626843443
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